Change Actions

Change Actions

Awareness creation is the most vital component in this innovative endeavour. Lack of access to information and absence of collective action have been the biggest constraints in the project region. This calls for organization of all households under a common initiative with equal representation of gender groups, castes, religions and socioeconomic sections of the society.

Behavioural change, being aimed at as the outcome of the project, needs to be monitored at the inception and intermediate stages to gauge the effect of the interventions. Establishment and empowerment of the community based organizations for social mobilization, knowledge dissemination and experience sharing will be given priority in the process steps to reinforce the expected behavioural changes.

The Theory of Change advocates for a series of inputs bundled with a set of good water governance practices (actions) aiming for short-term outputs (improvements at the site and within the catchment) resulting in long term outcomes (water governance, water balance, water quality and important water related areas). This initiative focuses on imparting appreciable impact on social, environmental and economic aspects involving various stakeholders. This broad framework allows participatory planning, execution, monitoring, evaluation, policy advocacy and governance involving all stakeholders for optimum effectiveness.