With embedded equations of gender equity, these objectives were realized through carefully defined, environmentally sustainable, location specific and gender sensitive interventions. In specific terms the interventions carried out with gender as a cross cutting theme, interventions such as formation and strengthening of community based organizations, capacity building, excavation of water harvesting structures in agricultural land and other supportive livelihood activities like kitchen gardening and fish farming have been proposed in the project. The project has taken into consideration women’s specific preferences, priorities, constraints and needs in developmental research design (problem, objectives, activities, implementation process, output and outcome), participation, and potential impact, and has created indicators to monitor progress in these areas.
With a sound understanding of both the gender dimensions of poverty and the factors affecting the socio-economic empowerment of women, the project team members have been further capacitated to plan and execute activities in a sensitive manner. A number of models for communication, capacity building and engagement with people living in varied social constructs will be applied. Particular attention will be given to gender-sensitive strategies (including design, content, and day-to-day operational mechanisms) to improve the participation of women in accessing and using information. The outcomes of these endeavours will be recorded in near future and case studies will be shared through common social platforms for desirable effects.